Sunday, October 25, 2009

I now live in Livermore, California...the story

So. I am living in California. Yes, this was not my plan. Yes, the economy is f’ed in California…but I am not paying for rent!

So let’s catch up. I graduated from Whitworth University in Spokane, WA with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. After graduating, I packed up four years of memories and drove back down to the bay area. After a brief stint there, I packed up the smallest amount of stuff yet for 8 weeks at camp. This summer I worked as an LC in the Bridge program at camp. It was new this year and was a way to bridge the gap between camper and counselor. We spent a week with high school juniors and seniors trying to keep it fun while teaching them to be the best counselors they could. I think my favorite thing about it (other than my amazing team) was how being a good counselor forced the kids to really ask themselves where they were in their faith. There was so much more about my summer at camp but that’s not what this is about. After camp, I had about a week before we left for Europe. Patrick, one of my best friends from Cali, and I went to Switzerland and Italy for three weeks. Again, there are so many stories but that’s not what this is about. This story begins about 2 days after arriving back in the states.

I had already started stressing in Switzerland. I knew I wasn’t going to have much time in California and wanted to start planning. So how it happened, I threw as much of my stuff as I could into my CR-V the morning I was leaving. I was so ready to snap. Then I drove. A lot. It was good for me. I stayed the night in a hotel in Bend and went to Red Robin by myself, got a margarita, and dyed my hair in the hotel while watching How I Met Your Mother. Good night! I got to Spokane the day of My Jessie’s wedding (one of my college roommates). It was wonderful to see everyone again and weird to be back in Spokane but not to go back to school.

After the weekend, we drove to Seattle and got there at about 11pm. You already know how the story ends so I’ll tell you now that I lived in Seattle for a week. I had a lot on my to-do list there. And not little stuff, oh no. On the list was retake physics, get 100 hours of physical therapy observation, study for GREs, take GREs, and apply to grad schools. Though first I had to find a job where I could get enough money for rent and food. I was trying to do all of this in a town where I only knew my roommates and but I didn’t know where anything was. All in all, it was too much. I love the people I was living with, and I love the town, but it was too much.

So I moved back home to Livermore. Here I do not have to stress about finding a job right away. I also know the area and more people so it makes it easier to start crossing of some of those things on my to-do list. So if you have any connections to physical therapists or know people who are hiring, LET ME KNOW!

LOVE to all and as always, prayers are very appreciated in this time of transition and shitty economy...yay for graduating now!